Calculate the temperature which has the same value on fahrenheit scale and kelvin scale.

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Given: TK = TF = x

To find: Temperature at which Kelvin and Fahrenheit scales coincide (x)

Formula: \(\frac{T_F-32}{180}=\frac{T_K-273.15}{100}\)

Calculation: From formula.

∴ \(\frac{x-32}{180}=\frac{x-273.15}{100}\)

∴ 5(x – 32) = 9(x – 273.15)

∴ 5x – 160 = 9x – 2458.35

∴ 4x = 2298.35

∴ x = \(\frac{2298.35}{4}\) = 574.6

∴ x = 574.6 °F

The temperature at which kelvin and fahrenheit scales coincide is 574.6 °F.

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