Convert the following degree Fahrenheit temperature to degree Celsius.

i. 50°F 

ii. 10°F

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Given : 

Temperature in degree Fahrenheit = 50°F

To find : 

Temperature in degree Celsius

Formula :

°F = \(\frac{9}{5}\)(°C) + 32

Calculation : 

Substituting 50°F in the formula,

°F = \(\frac{9}{5}\)(°C) + 32

50 =  \(\frac{9}{5}\)(°C) + 32

°C = \(\frac{(50-32)\times 5}{9}\) 

= 10°C

ii. Given : 

Temperature in degree Fahrenheit = 10°F

To find : 

Temperature in degree Celsius

Formula : 

°F = \(\frac{9}{5}\)(°C) + 32

Calculation : 

Substituting 10°F in the formula,

°F = \(\frac{9}{5}\)(°C) + 32

10 =  \(\frac{9}{5}\)(°C) + 32

°C = \(\frac{(10-32)\times 5}{9}\) 

= -12.2°C

∴ i. The temperature 50°F corresponds to 10°C.

ii. The temperature 10°F corresponds to -12.2°C.

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