Redox reactins play a pivoted role in chemistry and biology. The values of standard redox potential `(E^(@))` of two half-cell reactions decide which way the reaction is expected to proceed. A simple example is a Daniel cell in which zinc goes into solution and copper gets deposited. Given below is a set of half-cell reactions (acidic medium) along with their `E^(@)` values with respect to normal hydrogen electrode. Using this data, obtained the correct explanations to questions `15-16`
Q. Electrolysis of dilute aqueous `NaCl` solution was carried out by passing 10 milliampere current. The time required to liberate 0.01 mole of `H_(2)` gas at the cathode is: (1 faraday `=96500C`)
A. `9.65xx10^(4)sec`
B. `19.3xx10^(4)sec`
C. `28.95xx10^(4)sec`
D. `38.6xx10^(4)sec`

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Correct Answer - B
Faraday law equivalents of `H_(2)` produced `=(Ixxt(sec))/(96500)`