Using the standard electrode potential values given below, decide which of the statements, `I,II,III` and `IV` are correct. Choose the right answer from `(1) (2)` and `(4)`
`Fe^(2+)+2e^(-) hArr Fe " "," "E^(0)=-0.44V`
`Cu^(2+)+2e^(-) hArr Cu" "," "E^(0)=+0.34V`
`Ag^(+)+e^(-)hArr Fe" "," "E^(0)=+0.80V`
`I. ` Copper can displace iron from `FeSO_(4)` solution.
`II.` Iron can displace copper from `CuSO_(4)` solution
`III.` Silver can displace copper from `CuSO_(4)` solution
`IV.` Iron can displace silver from `AgNO_(3)` solution.
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. I and IV

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Correct Answer - C
Lower standard reduction potential related metal ions can displace higher standard reduction potential related metals ions.

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