The standard reduction potentials of some half cell reactions are given below:
`PbO_2+4H^++2e^(-)hArrPb^(2+)+2H_(2)O , E^@=1.455 V`
`MnO_4^(-)+8H^++5e^(-)hArrMn^(2+)+4H_(2)O , E^@=1.51 V`
`Ce^(4+)+e^(-)hArrCe^(3+), E^@=1.61 V`
`H_2O_2+2H^++2e^(-)hArr 2H_2O, E^@=1.71 V`
Pick out the correct statement:
A. `Ce^(+4)` will oxidise `Pb^(2+)` to `PbO_2`
B. `MnO_(4)^(-)` will oxidise `Pb^(2+)` to `PbO_2`
C. `H_2O_2` will oxidise `Mn^(+2)` to `MnO_4^(-)`
D. `PbO_2` will oxidise `Mn^(+2)` to `MnO_4^(-)`

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Correct Answer - A,B,C
On basis of given SRP values

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