SOP : Create a mark list. The mark list should display:

  • Fields as Name, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Total, Percentage.
  • Below each subject find out the lowest marks and highest marks.
  • Enter a minimum of 10 records.
  • Declare the first three ranker students.
  • Create a chart based on the above data.

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Step 1: Open LibreOffice Calc and add fields like Name, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Total, Percentage.

Step 2: Enter 10 records in it.

Step 3: To Calculate Total Click inside the cell where the total has to be calculated.

(Use = SUM(A2:D2) formula) – Type the range of cell.

Step 4: Now click inside the cell where the percentage has to be calculated.

Calculate Percentage using formula = E2* 

100/400, drag the formula for remaining cells.

Step 5: Enter a minimum of 10 records. And calculate the result.

Step 6: Find out the Lowest Marks Calculate Lowest marks using formula = min(A2:A11), drag formula for remaining cells.

Step 7: Find out the Highest Marks Calculate Highest marks using formula = max(A2:A11), drag formula for remaining cells.

Step 8: Now Show the first three ranker students. Use Sort Option for sorting and auto filter.

Step 9: To find the first ranker use formula = large(F2:F11,1)

Step 10: To find the second ranker use formula = large(F2:F11,2)

Step 11: To find the third ranker use formula = large(F2:F11,3)

Step 12: To create a chart Select Complete Table → Click on Insert Menu → Click on Chart Option.

A window will appear, which starts with the chart wizard → Select Chart type.