Find the odd word out:

1. Mathematics, Economics, Physics, Chemistry

2. Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Chemistry

3. Adam Smith, David Ricardo, J.M.Keynes, J.S. Mill.

4. Food, Medicines, Sunshine, Toothpaste

5. Washing machine, AC – Car, Pressure Cooker, Geyser.

6. Land, Interest, Labour, Entrepreneur

7. National Income, National Output, Individual Income, Aggregate Supply.

8. Investment, Want, Utility, Wealth.

9. Rain, Air, Sunrays, Book.

10. Rent, Labour, Interest, Profit.

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1. Economics

2. Chemistry

3. J. M. Keynes

4. Sunshine

5. AC – Car

6. Interest

7. Individual Income

8. Investment

9. Book

10. Labour