In an inelastic collision an electron excites a hydrogen atom from its ground state to a M-Shell state. A second electron collides instantaneously with the excited hydrogen atom in the m-Shell state and ionizes it. At leas how much energy the second electron transfors to the atom is the M-shell state?
A. `+3.4 eV`
B. `+1.51 eV`
C. ` -3.4 eV`
D. `-1.51 eV`

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Correct Answer - D
The ground state of hydrogen (n=1) is represented by K, the first excited state (n=2) is represented by L,the second excited state (n=3) is represent byb M.So, the energy transferred by the second electron cab be given by
`E=-13.6((1)/(n_(1)^(2))-(1)/(n_(2)^(2)))=-13.6 ((1)/(3^(2))-(1)/(oo^(2)))=-1.51ev`