An X-ray tube is operated at 30 eV. If a particular electron loses 10% of its kinetic energy to emit an X-ray photon during the collision. Find the wavelength and maximum frequency assoicated with this photon.

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Kinetic energy of electron =30 eV
Acccording to the question , 10% of this energy is converted to photon which is given by
`(10)/(100)xx30=3 kV`
`:. " " lambda_("min")("in"Å)=(12375)/(V("in volt"))=(12375)/(3xx10^3)=4.12Å`
Also, `" " V("max")=(c)/(lambda_("min"))=(3xx10^(8))/((4.12xx10^(-10)))=7.2xx10^(17)Hz`

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