

Option 1 : b & c

The correct answer is b & c.

  • In 1967, the chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee is selected from the opposition party.
  • Public Accounts Committee serves as a check on the government especially with respect to its expenditure bill and its primary function is to examine the audit report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) after it is laid in the Parliament.
  • The chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee is appointed by the Lok Sabha speaker.
  • The term of office of the members is one year.
  • Hence, statement B and statement C are correct while statement A and statement D are incorrect.

  • The Public Accounts Committee has 22 members - 15 Lok Sabha, 7 Rajya Sabha.
  • The Estimate Committee consists of 30 members - all from Lok Sabha.