If n is odd, then a+ bn is divisible by (a + b) and an− bn is divisible by (a − b). If n is even, then an− bn is divisible by (a − b) and (a + b) .The remainder when 12011+22011+32011+…….+20102011  is divided by 2011 will be

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12011 + 22011 + 32011 +...... +20102011

= (12011 + 20102011) + (22011 + 20092011) + (32011 + 20082011) ...... (10112011 + 10002011)

These terms are of the form an + bn, so they will be divided by a + b, as n = 2011 which is an odd number. 

Clearly, in the series a + b = 2011. Hence, the remainder is 0.