Calculate the energy in Mev released in the nuclear reaction :

\(_{77}^{174}Ir\) → \(_{75}^{170}Re\) + \(_2^4He\) 

Atomic masses : 

Ir = 173.97 u,

Re = 169.96 u and

He = 4.0026 u

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Given :

mIr = 173.97 u

mRe = 169.96 u

mHe = 4.0026 u

To find : 

Energy released

Formulae :

i. Δm = (mass of 174Ir) – (mass of 170Re + mass of 4He)

ii. E = Δm × 931.4 MeV

Calculation :

i. Δm = (mass of 174Ir) – (mass of 170Re + mass of 4He)

ii. E = Δm × 931.4 MeV

Calculation :

i. Δm = (mass of 174Ir) – (mass of 170Re + mass of 4He)

= 173.97 – (169.96 + 4.0026)

= 7.4 × 10-3u

ii. E = Δm × 931.4

= 7.4 × 10-3 × 931.4 

= 6.89236 MeV ≈ 6.892 MeV

∴ The energy released in given nuclear reaction is 6.892 MeV.

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