State any four legal provisions relating to Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.

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Legal Provisions relating to Extra-Ordinary General Meeting: 

(i) Time for holding a meeting: Extra-Ordinary General Meeting is between two Annual General Meetings under special circumstances. It can be held at any time as per the requirements of the company.

(ii) Authority to Convene:

  • The Board of Directors has the right to call an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting by sending a proper notice to the shareholders. 
  • Extra-Ordinary General Meeting can be called by the members holding at least 1/10th of the paid-up capital or 1/10th of voting power in the company. Board must call Extra-Ordinary General Meeting within 45 days of receiving the requisition from the members. 
  • If the Board fails to call such a meeting then the requisitionists themselves call this meeting within 3 months from the date of deposit of the requisition. The company shall pay all the expenses incurred for holding Extra-ordinary General Meeting. 
  • National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) can order such meetings on its own or at the request of a director or any members having voting rights.

(iii) Notice: The notice must be given to all those who are entitled to receive it, at least 21 clear days in advance of the meeting. It is sent to the members at their registered address by post or through electronic mode like Email, etc. 

(iv) Quorum: According to the Companies Act, 2013, the quorum for Extra-Ordinary General Meeting of a public company is as follows:

No. of Shareholders Quorum
Upto 1000 5 Members
1000 – 5000 15 Members
More than 5000 30 Members

For a private company minimum of two members should be present in person.

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