Enlist the functions of a Secretary related to an Extra-Ordinary Meeting.

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Functions of Secretary Relating to Extra Ordinary General Meeting:

(i) Before the Meeting:

  • Time of Holding: To decide the date, time, place, and agenda for holding the meeting in consultation with the chairman of the company and to convene the Board Meeting for finalization of these things by passing a resolution to that effect.
  • Drafting of Resolution: To draft the proposed resolution and explanatory statements and to get them approved by the board.
  • Notice: To draft the notice of the meeting and arrange to get the same printed together with the explanatory statements, proxy forms, and admission cards. To send the notice with agenda to all the members, at least 21 days before the meeting.
  • Public Notice: The notice is also published in the leading newspapers for the information of the general public.
  • Notice to Stock Authorities: If the shares are listed on the stock exchange, a notice of the meeting is sent to stock exchange authorities too.
  • Proxy: To verify proxy forms received and enter them in the proxy register.
  • Preparing Documents: The important documents, records, Books, etc. are kept ready for reference during the meeting.

(ii) During the Meeting:

  • Checking: To check the admission card of the members.
  • Attendance: To take attendance of members.
  • Ascertaining Quorum: To ascertain the quorum.
  • Reading Notice: To read the notice convening meeting.
  • Assist Chairman: To assist the chairman, by providing necessary information, records documents.
  • Notes of Proceedings: To make notes of the proceedings of the meeting.

(iii) After the Meeting:

  • Drafting Minutes: To draft the minutes of the meeting and enter the same in the Minute Book.
  • Signed by the Chairman: To get Minutes signed by the chairman of the meeting.
  • Filing of Resolution: To file the certified copy of the resolution passed at the meeting, to the Registrar of Companies.
  • Sending Intimation: To send intimation to the concerned persons.
  • Implementations: To carry out decisions taken at the meeting.
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