At 25°C and 760 mm of Hg pressure a gas occupies 600 mL volume. What will be its pressure at the height where temperature is 10°C and volume of the gas 640 mL ?

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Given : 

V1 = Initial volume = 600 mL, 

V2 = Final volume = 640 mL

P1 = Initial pressure = 760 mm Hg 

T1 = Initial temperature = 25°C 

= 25 + 273.15

K = 298.15 K

T2 = Final temperature = 10°C 

= 10 + 273.15

K = 283.15 K

P2 = Final pressure

Formula :

\(\frac{P_1V_1}{T_1}\) \(\frac{P_2V_2}{T_2}\)

Calculation : 

According to combined gas law,

 \(\frac{P_1V_1}{T_1}\) \(\frac{P_2V_2}{T_2}\) 

∴ P2\(\frac{P_1V_1T_2}{T_1V_2}\) 

\(\frac{760\times 600\times 283.15}{298.15\times 640}\)

= 676.654 mm Hg

∴ The final pressure of a gas is 676.654 mm Hg.

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