Enlist the characteristic features of phylum Annelida.

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Annelids are commonly called as ring worms or segmented worms.

Characteristic feature of phylum Annelida: 

1. Forms: Annelids may be aquatic, ectoparasitic or free – living or burrowing in moist soil. 

2. Body symmetry: They are bilaterally symmetrical. 

3. Body coelom: They are true coelomates. 

4. Segmentation: Body is metamerically segmented and has a special region called clitellum. 

5. Digestive system: Alimentary canal is complete. 

6. Locomotion: Locomotion takes place with the help of setae (earthworm), parapodia (Nereis) or suckers (leech). Well developed longitudinal and circular muscles help in locomotion. 

7. Nervous system: It consists of nerve ring and ventral solid and ganglionated nerve cord. 

8. Reproduction: Mostly are hermaphrodites and few are dioecious (Nereis). 

9. Respiration: Exchange of gases takes place through body wall.

10. Circulation: Circulatory system is of closed type. Excretion and osmoregulation is carried out with help of nephridia. e.g. Nereis (Aquatic annelid), Pheretima (Earthworm), Hirudinaria (Leech).

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