State the unique features of phylum Mollusca.

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Mollusca (Mollis: Soft) is the second-largest phylum. 

Unique features of phylum Mollusca:

1. Habitat: They are aquatic or seen in marshy places. Few of them are terrestrial. 

2. Forms: Molluscs are either free-living or sedentary. 

3. Body plan: These are soft bodied and show tube within a tube type of body plan. 

4. Body symmetry: Most of the Molluscs show bilateral symmetry but few are asymmetrical due to torsion (twisting). 

5. Body division: Body consists of head, foot and visceral mass. Visceral mass is enclosed in thick, muscular fold of body wall called mantle. Mantle secretes a hardcalcareous shell, that may be external or internal or absent. Muscular foot is present ventrally. 

6. Digestive system: Digestive system is well-developed and complete with anterior mouth and posterior anus. Buccal cavity has a rasping organ called radula (helps in feeding), which is provided with transverse rows of teeth. 

7. Respiration: In aquatic forms, numerous feather-like gills called ctenidia, help in aquatic respiration. Terrestrial forms may show the presence of lungs. 

8. Circulatory system: Circulatory system is of open type (except in Sepia, where it is of the closed type). Blood contains a copper-containing blue-coloured respiratory pigment called hemocyanin. 

9. Excretion: Excretion occurs by kidney-like structures, also called ‘Organ of Bojanus’. 

10. Nervous system and sense organs; Nervous system has three rjahs of Mf hxese, interconnected by commissures and connectives.

11. Sense organs: Sense organs such as eyes for vision, tentacles for tactile sensation and osphradia for testing purity of water is present. 

12. Sexual reproduction: Sexes are usually separate. Animals of this phylum are mostly oviparous and the development is direct or indirect. e.g. Pila, Spisula (Bivalve), Octopus (devil fish), Sepia (cuttle fish), Chaetopleura (Chiton), Pinctada (Pearl oyster), Loligo (Squid), Aplysia (Sea hare), Dentalium (Tusk shell).

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