Explain in brief the characteristic features of Phylum Hemichordata.

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The given organism (Balanoglossus) belongs to phylum Hemichordata. 

Characteristics of phylum Hemichordata: 

1. Habitat: Hemichordates are exclusively marine animals, usually living at the bottom of the sea in burrows. These are mostly free – living but animals like Rhabdopleura are sedentary. 

2. Body shape and division: Body is soft and vermiform. It is unsegmented and divided into three parts namely – proboscis, collar and trunk. 

3. Digestive system: Alimentary canal is complete, straight or ‘U’ shaped. Buccal cavity gives rise to a rod-like buccal diverticulum. 

4. Respiration: Respiration is brought about by numerous gills arranged in two longitudinal rows present in the pharyngeal region. Gills open by gill slits. 

5. Circulation: Circulatory system is simple and open type. 

6. Excretion: It takes place with help of with the glomerulus. 

7. Nervous system: Nervous tissue is embedded in epidermis on the dorsal as well as the ventral side. 

8. Reproduction and development: Sexes are separate (sometimes bisexual). Fertilization is external and development is indirect through free swimming larva.

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