Identify the organism and enlist the general characters of its phylum.

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The given organism is Euplectella. For characters: Phylum Porifera (Pori = Pores: feron = bearing): Members of the phylum Porifera are also called sponges. 

Characteristic features of the phylum: 

1. Habitat: They are aquatic, mostly marine but few species are found in freshwater. 

2. Forms: They are sedentary animals (attached to substratum or rock). 

3. Body shape: They have asymmetrical body. Body of these animals consists of many cells with minimal division of labour among cells. Hence, their body is considered as a colony of different types of cells. 

4. Body surface: Their body bears minute pores called ‘ostia’ through which water enters the spongocoel (body cavity). Water leaves the body through a large opening called ‘oscu lum’. Beating of flagella creates water current. 

5. Circulation: Water is circulated in the body through the ‘canal system’. When the water enters the body of poriferans, cells absorb the food, exchange respiratory gases and release excretory products.

6. Digestive system: The body cavity of sponges (spongocoel) is lined by unique type of flagellated cells called choanocytes or collar cells for digestion. 

7. Endoskeleton: The body of sponges consists of calcareous / siliceous spicules and proteinaceous ‘spongin fibres’. 

8. Reproduction: Sponges reproduce asexually as well as sexually. Asexual reproduction takes place by fragmentation and gemmule formation. Sexual reproduction is by formation of gametes. Fertilization is internal and development is indirect through larval stage. 

9. Sponges have great power of regeneration. e.g. Scypha, Euspongia (Bath sponge), Euplectella (Venus’ flower basket).

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