Enlist the characters of living organisms.

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The basic principles of life are as follows:

1. Metabolism: Metabolism is breaking of molecules (catabolism) and making of new molecules (anabolism). An organism performs metabolism in order to obtain energy and various chemical molecules essential for survival. 

2. Growth and development: Organisms tend to grow and develop in a wellorchestrated process from birth onwards. 

3. Ageing: It is the process during which molecules, organs and systems begin to lose their effective working and become old. 

4. Reproduction: For continuity of race (species), organisms reproduce (asexually or sexually) to produce young ones like themselves. However, mules and worker bees do not reproduce, yet are living. 

5. Death: As the body loses its capacity to perform metabolism, an organism dies.

6. Responsiveness: Living organisms respond to thermal, chemical or biological changes in their surroundings.

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