Give the general characters of Kingdom Fungi with examples.

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General characters of Kingdom Fungi: 

1. Type of organisms: It is a unique kingdom of eukaryotic heterotrophic organisms, showing extracellular digestion. They may be unicellular or multicellular and filamentous. These are commonly found in warm and humid places. 

2. Nucleus: The cells may be multinucleate or uninucleate. 

3. Body: Multicellular organisms consist of a body called mycelium in which a number of thread or fibre-like structures called hyphae are present. The hyphae may be with septa (septate) or without septa (aseptate). The non-septate multinucleated hyphae are called coenocytic hyphae. 

4. Cell wall: The cell wall in fungi is composed of chitin or fungal cellulose. 

5. Cell organelles: The fungi contain well organized membrane bound cell organelles except the chloroplasts. 

6. Nutrition: The fungi exhibit heterotrophic mode of nutrition and most of the members are saprophytes and absorb food which is decomposed (digested) outside. Some are parasitic or predators. 

7. Reproduction: They reproduce both sexually as well as asexually. Asexual reproduction takes place by fragmentation, fission and budding. 

8. Some fungi are symbiotic. These fungi either live with algae as lichens or as mycorrhiza in association with roots of higher plants.

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