What is the energy released by fassion of 1 g of `U^(235)`? (Assume 200 Me V energy is liberated on fission of 1 nucleus)
A. `2.26xx10^(4)kWh`
B. `1.2xx10^(4)kWh`
C. `4.5xx10^(2)kWh`
D. `2.5xx10^(2)` k Wh

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Correct Answer - A
(a) Energy relased in one fission of `""_(92)^(235)U` nucleus `=200 meV `
Mass of uranium = 1 g
we know that , 235 g of ` ""^(235)U` has `6.023xx10^(23)` atoms or nuclei
`therefore ` Energy relased in fission of 1 g of `U^(235)`
`E=(6.023xx10^(23) xx1xx200)/(235)=5.1xx10^(23)meV `
`=(5.1xx10^(23)xx1.6xx10^(-13))/(3.6xx10^(6))kWh =2.26xx10^(4) kWh`

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