Which of the following is/are correct for nuclear reactor? a)A typical fission is represented by
`""_(92)""^(235)U=""_(0)""^(1)nto""_(54)""^(140)Ba+""_(36)""^(93)Kr+` Energy b)Heavy water (`D""_(2)O`) is used as moderator in preference to orduinary water (`H""_(2)O`) because hydrogen may capture neutrons, while D would not do that c)Cadmium rods increse the reactor power when they go in and decrease when they go outwards d)Slower neutrons are more effective in causing fission than faster neutrons in the case of `""_(235)U`
A. A typical fission represented by `._(92)U^(235)+._(0)n^(1) rarr._(56)Ba^(143)+._(36)Kr^(93)+"energy"`
B. Heavy water is used as moderator in preference to ordinary water because H may capture neultrons. While D would not
C. Cadmium rod increase the reactor power when they go in, decrease when they go outward
D. Slower neutron are more effective in causing fission than faster neutrons in case of `U^(235)`

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Correct Answer - A::B::D
A is balanced both in mass number & atomic no.

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