

Option 4 : 10


Five years ago, the ratio of the ages of Tarun and Saurabh was 4 ∶ 1.

⇒ (Tarun - 5)/(Saurabh - 5) = 4/1

⇒ Tarun - 5 = 4(Saurabh - 5)

⇒ Tarun - 5 = 4Saurabh - 20

⇒ 4Saurabh - Tarun = 15 ............. (i)

After five years, the ratio of their ages will be 2 ∶ 1.

⇒ (Tarun + 5)/(Saurabh + 5) = 2/1

⇒ Tarun + 5 = 2(Saurabh + 5)

⇒ Tarun + 5 = 2Saurabh + 10

⇒ 2Saurabh - Tarun = - 5 .............. (ii)

By solving equation (i) and (ii) we get,

4Saurabh - Tarun = 15

2Saurabh - Tarun = - 5

⇒ 2Saurabh = 20

⇒ Saurabh = 10 years

∴ Here, the present age of Saurabh is 10 years.

Hence, the correct answer is "10".