Calculate ultimate moment and shear of effective span is 30m, live load is 9kn/m, dead load excluding self weight is 2kn/m, load factors for dead load is 1.4 for live load is 1.6 cube strength of concrete fcu is 50n/mm2 cube strength at transfer is fci is 35n/mm2, tensile strength of concrete Ec is 34kn/mm2 loss ratio ɳ is 0.85 and 8mm diameter high tensile strength fpu is 1500n/mm2 are available for use and the modulus of elasticity of high tensile wires is 200kn/mm2?

Correct Answer: 340 and 450kn
Wmin/Wud = (50x2400x9.81×0.125x25x30/50×106x0.852) = 0.31 Ultimate load excluding the factored selfweight = (1.4×2)+(1.6×9) = 17.2kn/m, Wud = 17.2/1-1.4×0.31 = 30KN/M, Wmin = (0.31×30) = 9.3kn/m, Ultimate moment, Mu = (0.125x30x302) = 3400knm, Ultimate shear, Vu = (0.5x30x30) = 450kn.