Find the Permissible stresses and range of stresses for class 1 structure fcu = 50n/mm2, fck = 35n/mm2 according to BS: 8110 recommendations for fcu = 50n/mm2 and fci = 35n/mm2,fct = 0.5fci = 17.5n/mm2?

Correct Answer: 16.5n/mm2
fcu = 50n/mm2,fck = 35n/mm2 according to BS: 8110 recommendations for fcu = 50n/mm2 and fci = 35n/mm2, fct = 0.5fci = 17.5n/mm2For class 1 structure fu = htw = 0, fbr = (ɳfct-ftw) = (0.85×17.5) = 15n/mm2, fcw = 0.33fcu = (0.33×50) = 16.5n/mm2, fcu = (fcw-ɳfu) = 16.5n/mm2.