<u>Directions :</u> In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by three conclusions. Give answer :<br><br><u>Statement :</u> During pre-harvest kharif season, the government has decided to release vast quantity of food grains from FCI.<br><br><u>Assumptions :</u><br>I. There may be a shortage of food grains in the market during this season.<br>II. The kharif crop may be able to replenish the stock of FCI.<br>III. There may be a demand from the farmers to procure kharif crop immediately after harvest.

Correct Answer: All are implicit
Assumptions I and II provide the most probable reasons for the step taken by the government. So, both I and II are implicit. Since the foodgrains have been released during pre-harvest kharif season, it is evident that the next kharif crop would replenish the stock. So, III is also implicit.