Design a pretensioned roof pull-in to suit the data Fcu, concrete cube strength = 50n/mm2, effective span = 6m, applied load = 5kn/m, dead load = 1.4, live load = 1.6, β = 0.125, k = 7.5, Dc = 2400, and determine ultimate moment and shear?

Correct Answer: 42 and 27.75
Wmin/Wud = KDcgβ(L/h)L/fcu(d/h)2 = 7.5×2400 x 9.81 x 0.125×25 x 6/50x 106x(0.85)2 = 0.094 Fcu, concrete cube strength = 50n/mm2, effective span = 6m, applied load = 5kn/m, dead load = 1.4, live load = 1.6, β = 0.125, k = 7.5, Dc = 2400, fcu = 50n/mm2, wmin = (0.094)(9.25) = 0.86kn/m, mu = (0.125×9.25×62) = 42knm, vu = (0.5×9.25×6) = 27.75kn.