In a cricket match Sachin scored double the runs than Sehwag scored. Both were short by 2 runs to the double century then how many runs scored by Sachin ? 

A) 132 

B) 66 

C) 16 

D) 98

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Correct option is  A) 132

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Correct option is (A) 132

Let runs scored by Sehwag be x.

\(\therefore\) Runs scored by Sachin is 2x.

\(\therefore\) According to given condition

(2x+x) + 2 = 200

\(\Rightarrow\) 3x = 200 - 2 = 198

\(\Rightarrow\) \(x=\frac{198}3=66\)

\(\therefore\) Runs scored by Sachin = 2x \(=2\times66\) = 132.

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