The following facts were extracted as at 31st December 2014 from the books of Rajesh Dogra who keeps a double column Cash Book :
Bank balance as per Cash Book (overdrawn) 32,000
Balance as per bank statement ( in favour ) 24,000
₹200 commission charged by bank on outstation cheques yet to be taken into account.
A cheque for ₹11,000 paid to Shashi Bhushan wrongly entered in the cash column.
Debit side of Cash Book (bank column) undercast by ₹1,000. Cheques received from customers ₹10,400 deposited on 31-12-2014 but credited by the bank on 2-1-2015.
Cheques issued to suppliers ₹76,600 during 2014 not yet presented for encashment.
prepare a Bank reconciliation Statement as at 31-12-2014.

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