Prepare a bnk Reconciliation Statement in the books of Bharti as on 31st January 2017.
(a) Balance as per Pass Book as on 31st January, 2017 was ₹62,500.
(b) Cheque of ₹17,800 was issued by her on 28th January 2017 but this was not presented for payment till 31st January 2017.
(c ) A cheque of ₹4,000 issued to Mr. Rahim, was taken in the cash column.
(d) A cheque of ₹ 15,000 was paid into bank but was omitted to be entered in the chas book.
(e ) The bank has charged ₹55 as its commission and has allowed interest ₹50.

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Correct Answer - Dr. Balance as per Cash Book ₹33,705.

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