On 31st March, 2017, Pass Book showed a balance of ₹25,000. Prepare a BankReconciliation Statement from the following particulars :
(i) Cheques of ₹20,000 were deposited in Bank on 27th March, 2017, out of which hceques of ₹5,000 were cleared on 1st April, 2017. Rest are not cleared.
(ii) On 28th March, 2017,presented in March, ₹4,000 on 2nd April and rest were not presented.
(iii) Cheques of ₹ 10,000 were deposited in Bank on 28th Merch, 2017, out of which cheques of ₹4,000 were cleared on 2nd April, 2017 and rest are dishonourd.
(iv) Interest on investment collected by bank does not apper in the Cash Book ₹ 800.
(v) A B/R of ₹9,000 previously disconunted from the bank was dishonoured on 30th March, 2017 but no intimation was received from the bank till 31st March.
(vi) Bank has debited ₹1,500 and credited ₹1,200 in out account.

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Correct Answer - Dr. Balance as per Cash Book ₹51,500.

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