My bank Pass Book showed an overdraft of ₹ 6,500 on 31st March, 2017. This does not garee with the Cas Book balance. From the following particualrs ascertain the Cash Book balance:-
Cheques amounting to ₹15,000 were paind into bank in March, out of which, it appears, only cheques amounting to ₹4,500 were credited by bank. Cheques issued during March amounted in all to ₹11,000. Out of thee cheques for ₹3,000 were unpaind on 31st March, 2017. The Pass Book stands debited with ₹150 for interset and with ₹30 for bank charges. The bank paid the annual subscription of ₹100 to may club according to my instuctions. The entries for interest, bank charges and subscription have not yet been made in Cash Book.

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Correct Answer - Dr. Balance as per Cash Book ₹1,280.

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