In a cricket match an over contains six balls. In a T-20 Cricket match it was already 5 balls bowled in the last over. If Sachin hits six for the last ball the mean becomes 4 runs per ball in the over. But Sachin hits four runs. Then the mean score per ball in that over is 

A) 3 

B) \(3\frac{2}{3}\)

C) 4 

D) 6

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Correct option is (B) 3 2/3

Let sum of scored runs on first 5 balls in the last over is x.

After hitting 6 on last ball of the over, the mean score becomes 4 runs per ball.

\(\therefore\) \(\frac{x+6}6=4\)

\(\Rightarrow\) \(\frac{x}6+1=4\)

\(\Rightarrow\) \(\frac{x}6=4-1=3\)

\(\Rightarrow\) x = 6 \(\times\) 3 = 18

Hence, the sum of scored runs on first 5 balls in the last over is 18.

Given that Sachin scored 4 runs on last ball.

\(\therefore\) Mean \(=\frac{18+4}6\)

\(=\frac{22}6\) \(=3\frac46\)


Hence, the mean score per ball in that over is \(3\frac23.\)


Correct option is  B) 3 2/3