\( 20.76 \) 15. From the following Trial Balance and information, prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Rishabh for the year ended 31st March, 2021 and Balance Sheet as on that date: Additional Information: (i) Value of Closing Stock on 31 st March, 2021 at cost was \( ₹ 27,300 \) and its net realisable value (market value) was \( ₹ 30,000 \). (iif) Fire occurred on 23rd March, 2021 and goods costing ₹ 10,000 were destroyed. Insurance company accepted claim of \( ₹ 6,000 \) only and paid the claim money on 10th April, \( 2021 . \) (iii) Bad Debts amounting to \( ₹ 400 \) are to be written off. Provision for Doubtful Debts is to be maintained at \( 5 \% \) and Provision for Discount on Debtors at \( 2 \% \). (ib) Received goods costing \( ₹ 6,000 \) on 27 th March, 2021 but the purchases was not recorded. (v) Rishabh took goods of \( ₹ 2,000 \) for his personal use but was not recorded. (yl) Charge depreciation @ 2\% on Land and Building, @ 20\% on Plant and Machinery and @ 5\% on Furniture.

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In question return outward is given 4000

But in your solution you write it = 6000

2) closing stock is given 27300 outside the trial Balance and 8000 inside the trial Balance ..
So 27300-8000= 19300 in the trading account

I think there is a mistake in your answer

Thank you .