Explain the use of the following property in the development of the play.

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(a) Hat – Hat plays an important role in the development of the play. It stands for the city’s authority, ‘the Mayor’ as it was a part of the official uniform. When Dr. Stockmann put on the hat, he told his brother that the entire city was in his hand. He also added that with that supreme power he would throw him off the existing government. Dr. Stockmann saw the Mayor’s hat in the editor’s room and could realize that the Mayor was hiding in the next room, listening his conversation with the editor. This made him understand the Mayor’s plot of ruining his article.

(b) Stick – The stick at certain instances was a symbol of assertiveness, commitment, new ideas or sticking to the old things. The stick in Dr. Stockmann’s hand suggests his assertiveness, commitment and new ideas in the existing government with the support of everyone. But the stick in the Mayor’s hand, suggests that the whole situation was groomed by him to turn against Dr. Stockmann. The stick in the hand of the Mayor also proves his authority and command over other people.

(c) An envelope containing the letter – The envelope of the letter focuses over the issue of grievance which everyone keeps by hiding a secret. Dr. Stockmann took various efforts to expose the issue but finally Hovstad returned the envelope to him, which suggests how everyone tried to conceal the burning issue. The issue needed immediate attention, but was hidden from the public as the letter was hidden by the envelope.

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