Read the para and answer the questions :

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to moot their own needs.

(i) A hindrance to sustainable development 

i) Over use of ground water 

ii) Indiscriminate use of pesticides . 

A) ‘i’ & ‘ii’ are hindrances 

B) ‘ii’ is a hindrance 

C) ‘i’ is a hindrance 

D) Both ‘i’ & ‘ii’ are wrong.

(ii) In 59% of districts of India, water is unsafe for drinking. The reason is 

A) Dumping of all kinds of wastes into water sources 

B) Underground water 

C) More water using in growing crops 

D) Construction of dams

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(i) A) ‘i’ & ‘ii’ are hindrances

(ii) A) Dumping of all kinds of wastes into water sources

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