“Rural Economic development is essential for Indian Economic development”. Do you agree with the given statement? Support your answer with valid reasons

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Mahatma Gandhi had always maintained that the real growth of India lies in the growth of villages. The importance of rural development in India lies in the fact that `2//3^(rd)` of the population still (directly or indirectly) depends on agriculture and around `1//3^(rd)` of the rural population still lives in abject poverty.
Some of the prime areas for the development of the rural India may be quoted as follows : Infrastructure development - is the key to any development process. Basic infrastructure reuirement like electricity, irrigation, credit availability, transport facilities, construction of village roads and feeder roads to nearby highways, etc. are the area which still need attention of the government so as to gain commanding heights.
Alleviation of poverty - poverty in rural India is an area that should be taken up as a mission for improvement in the living conditions of particularly those living at the bottom of pyramid. This problem may be tackled by emphasiing on greater access to productive employment opportunities.
Development of Human Capital - Rural human capital must be developed by taking sincere steps in the direction of education and health.

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