Write short notes on:

Tropical monsoon climate

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1. This region extends between 10° and 30° N and S latitudes. 

2. This region includes the countries of South East Asia, South West Africa, as well as coastal areas of South West India, North East and South East Brazil, Northern part of Australia and parts of Japan. 

3. This region has three distinctive seasons, summer, winter and rainy season, due to seasonal winds called monsoon winds. 

4. The summer temperature is 27°C to 32°C, winter temperature is 15°C to 24°C. Annual range of temperature is high.

5. The average rainfall is 250 to 2500 mm. Most of the places receive orographic rainfall. The rainfall is mainly by South West monsoon winds. 

6. The climate is controlled by summer onshore and winter offshore wind movements related to shifting of ITCZ. 

7. Due to seasonal rainfall, deciduous forest grows, trees shed their leaves in summer. Heavy rainfall areas have equatorial forest, less rainfall areas have thorny vegetation. Herbivores and carnivores live in these forests.

8. Main occupation of people is agriculture due to sufficient temperature, rainfall and fertile soil.

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