Give geographical reason:

In Tropical and Sub-Tropical biomes, a large diversity exists in fauna.

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1. The biodiversity found in Tropical and Sub-Tropical biomes ranks second in the world, 

2. In tropical region trees have a threetier system, therefore every bird and animal have its own niche in the areas from the ground to the top of the tree. 

3. Therefore, from microscopic organisms to large elephants, hippopotamus, rhinos, tiger, lion, gaur, monkeys, reptiles, etc., are found in huge numbers. 

4. Birds like greater coucal, hornbills, Asian koel, peacock, vultures, falcon, pigeons, sparrows, etc., are found here. 

5. Similarly, ants, butterflies, insects and worms are also found in plenty. 

6. In grassland region, grass eating animals are more, therefore carnivores who are dependent on them are also high. 

7. Thus, in Tropical and suh-tropical biomes, a large diversity exists in fauna.

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