Differentiate between: 

Tropical Monsoon and Tropical Desert type of climate.

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Tropical Monsoon Tropical Desert
Latitudinal extent Within 10° to 30° North and South. Found usually between 20° to 30° latitudes in both hemispheres.
Temperature Summer temperature is around 27°C to 32°C while winter temperature is 15°C to 24°C. Summer temperature around 30°C to 45°C, winter temperature around 20°C to 25°C.
Rainfall Rainfall is between 250 to 2500 mm, excessively wet during rainy season. Precipitation less than 200 mm.
Vegetation Tropical rainforest, ranges from jungles to thorn forest in drier boundaries. Xerophytic plants are found which can withstand extreme temperature.
Animal life Large hooved leaf eaters and large carnivores like tigers. Small, nocturnal, burrowing animals are found.
Human life Agriculture is the main occupation of people of monsoon region. Agriculture is practiced near oasis.
Regions of the world Coastal areas of South West India and South East Asia, South West Africa, North East and South East Brazil, Northern part of Australia and part of Japan come under the monsoon winds. Western coasts of all continents, large parts of Gujarat, Rajasthan and South West Haryana, Iran, interior parts of Asia, Coastal Chile, Peru, South-west Africa, interior Mexico, Baja California, North Africa, Namibia and parts of US.

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