Explain different types of mass wasting.

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Mass wasting is the down slope movement of loose mixture of soil, land and rock particles by force of gravity. 

Following are different types of mass wasting:


1. Very slow imperceptible down slope movements of materials is called creep. 

2. It occurs along tops and basal portions of hills.

Rock fall: 

1. Rock falls are relatively small landslides confined to the removal of individual and superficial blocks from cliff base. 

2. It mainly occurs in rocky areas.

Earth flow: 

1. Earth flow is promoted by excessive water received mostly through rainfall so that the materials are oversaturated. 

2. It typically occurs on hill slides in humid regions.


1. Solifluction is the name for the slow downhill creep of soil, which occurs in variety of climatic conditions. 

2. It occurs in periglacial or alpine regions. 

3. As permafrost is impermeable to water, soil overlying may become oversaturated and slide slope down under the pull of gravity.


1. It may be mentioned that generally all types of mass movements of rock wastes including soils and ice are collectively called landslides.

2. It occurs on moderately steep slopes.

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