Explain different types of slow movements.

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Slow movement can be classified as: 

Vertical or Epeirogenic Movements:

1. Slow movements keep on taking place either towards the centre of the earth or away from it towards the crust. 

2. Due to such movements, an extensive portion of the crust is either raised up or it subsides. 

3. When a portion of the crust is raised up above sea level, it leads to formation of continents. Hence, they are also called ‘continent-building movements.’ 

4. Such movement can also form extensive plateaus. 

5. These movements are not related to development of tensions or pressure in the earth’s crust.

Horizontal or Orogenic Movements: 

1. These movements work in horizontal direction. 

2. These movements produce compression or tension in the rock strata. 

3. These movements lead to either folds or cracks in the surface of the earth. These movements give rise to mountains. 

4. Their speed is more than ‘continental-building’ movements. 

5. These movements either produce folds or faults. Consequently, either fold mountains or block mountains are formed.