Explain the different types of companies on the basis of the liabilities of members.

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There are three types of companies on the basis of liabilities of members which are explained as under:

(i) Companies Limited by Shares: Such companies are formed as per Section 2(22) of the Companies Act, 2013. Such companies have to share capital and their members have limited liabilities up to unpaid part of the face value of shares held by them. At the time of winding up of the company, the personal property of shareholders is not used. They are liable only for the unpaid part of the number of shares purchased.

(ii) Company Limited by Guarantee: As per Section 2(21), such companies may or may not have share capital. Every Member promises to pay a specific amount for liabilities and debts of the company at the time of liquidation. Such amount is mentioned in Memorandum. Member simply gives guarantee and carries a specific amount of liability. Generally, such companies work for the promotion of sports, art, culture, charity, etc.

(iii) Unlimited Liability Company: As per section 2(92), members of these companies have unlimited liability. Members are fully liable to liabilities and debts of the company. It may be a private, public, or one-person company.

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