There are `10` different books in a shelf. The number of ways in which three books can be selected so that exactly two of them are consecutive is
A. `60`
B. `54`
C. `56`
D. `36`

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Correct Answer - C
`(c )` `B_(1)B_(2)B_(3)…B_(7)B_(8)B_(9)B_(10)`
`(i)` When two terminal books are taken (`B_(1)B_(2)` or `B_(9)B_(10)`) then number of ways `=2xx7=14`
`(ii)` When two consecutive terminal books are not taken (i.e.`B_(2)B_(3)`,`B_(3)B_(4)`,……..`B_(8)B_(9)`)
Then the third book can be selected in `6` ways
Then the number of ways are `7xx6=42`
`:.` Total `=14+42=56` ways