A fair die is tossed repeatedly. A wins if it is `1` or `2` on two consecutive tosses and `B` wins if it is `3,4,5` or `6` on two consecutive tosses. The probability that `A` wins if the die is tossed indefinitely is
A. `(1)/(3)`
B. `(1)/(4)`
C. `(5)/(21)`
D. `(2)/(5)`

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Correct Answer - C
`(c )` Let event `S to A` is getting `1` or `2`
Event `F to B` is getting `3,4,5,6`
`P(S)=P(1 or 2)=1//3`
`P(F)=P(3 or 4 or 5 or 6)=2//3`
`P(A"wins")=P[(SS or SFSS or SFSFSS or ….) or (FSS or FSFSS or….)]`

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