For the hypothetical reaction
`2A + B rarr` Products
following data obtained:
`|{:("Experiment number","Initial conc of (A)" (mol L^(-1)),"Initial conc of (B)" (mol L^(-1)),"Initial rate mol" L^(-1) s^(-1),),(1,0.10,0.20,3 xx 10^(2),),(2,0.30,0.40,3.6 xx 10^(10^(3)),),(3,0.30,0.80,1.44 xx 10^(4),),(4,0.10,0.40,...,),(5,0.20,0.60,...,),(6,0.30,1.20,...,):}|`
Find out how the rate of the reaction depends upon the concentration of `A` and `B` and fill in the blanks given in the table.

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From expts. (2) and (3) , it is clear that when concentration of A is kept constant and that of B is doubled, the rate increasefour times. This shows that the reaction is of second order with respect to B.
Similarly, from expts. (1) and (2). It is observed that when concentration of A increased three times and that of B two times, the rate becomes twelve times. Hence. the reaction is first order with respect to A.

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