The reaction `Aoverset(k)rarr` Product, is zero order while the reaction `Boverset(k)rarr` Product, is first order reaction. For what intial concentration of A are the half lives of the two reacions equal?
A. `(log_(2)4) M`
B. 2M
C. 2 log 2 M
D. ln 2 M

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Correct Answer - A
For zero order reaction,
`:. (a)/(2)=kxxt_(1//2),i.e.,t_(1//2)=(a)/(2k)" ".....(i)`
For frist order reaction,
`t_(1//2)=(log_(e)2)/(k)" ".....(ii)`
From eqs. (i) and (ii), `(a)/(2k)=(log_(e)2)/(k)`

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