Consider the reaction,
`2Ag^(+)+Cd rarr 2Ag+Cd^(2+)`
The standard electrode potentials for `Ag^(+) rarr Ag` and `Cd^(2+) rarr Cd` couples are 0.80 volt and -0.40 volt respectively.
(i) What is the standard potential `E^(@)` for this reaction ?
(ii) For the electrochemical cell, in which this reaction takes place which electrode is negative electrode ?

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(i) The half reaction are :
`2Ag^(+)+underset(("Reduction"),("(Cathode)"))(2e^(-)) rarr 2Ag`,
`E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=0.80` volt (Reduction potential)
`Cd rarr underset(("Oxidation"),("(Anode)"))(Cd^(2+))+2e^(-)`,
`E_(Cd^(2+)//Cd)^(@)=-0.40` volt (Reduction potential)
or `E_(Cd//Cd^(2+))^(@)=+0.40` volt
`E^(@)=E_(Cd//Cd^(2+))^(@)+E_(Ag^(+)//Ag)^(@)=0.40+0.80=1.20` volt
(ii) The negative electrode is always the electrode whose reduction potential has smaller value or the electrode where oxidation occurs. Thus, Cd electrode is the negative electrode.

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