Three bags contain a number of red and white balls as follows Bag I : 3 red balls, Bag II : 2 red balls and 1 white balls and Bag III : 3 white balls. `i/6`, where i=1,2,3. What is the probability that
(i) a red ball will be selected? (ii) a white ball is selected?

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Bag I : 3 red balls and 0 white ball
Bag II : 2 red balls and 1 white ball.
Bag III : 0 red ball andf 3 white balls.
Let `E_(1),E_(2) and E_(3)` be the events that bag I, bag II and bag III is selected and a ball is chosen from it.
`P(E_(1))=1/6,P(E_(2))=2/6and P(E_(3))=3/6`
(i) Let E be the event that a red ball is selected. Then, probablity that red ball will be selected
(ii) Let fr be event that a white ball is selected.
Note `P(F)=1-P(E)=1-7/18=11/18` [since, we know that P(E)+P(F)=1]